Adult Ministries at First Presbyterian Church
Discipleship and Growth Opportunities for Adults of all Ages
Adult Ministries Coordinator Mary Wilson
My vision as Adult Ministry Coordinator is to work with the church to address the needs and opportunities for continued growth as Christian disciples of adults at all stages of adulthood. As the adult leader, I work to organize and execute events and classes that will be attentive to the hopes, concerns and needs of all adults in our church family as well as how the congregation might serve them and how they can plug in, teach, and serve the body of Christ as well.
One of our priorities at First Presbyterian is to be attentive to homebound adults and include them on an intergenerational level through visits in their home or assisted living facility and through written, social and phone communication. They can also receive our Thursday newsletter by signing up here, or join the list for a printed newsletter at church@fpcknox.org or calling the church office. I serve as the primary liaison between the minister, staff and teachers of adults to coordinate a ministry through varied opportunities that include worship, study, fellowship, and Christian service.
I strive to focus on moving our adults toward Biblical personal growth. There are many classes and opportunities to study and pray together throughout the year for adults on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings and through our Presbyterian Women ministry.
Through this position, I have the opportunity to fulfill God’s calling for me to serve my church doing something I feel very passionate about--helping adults growing in and living out their faith.
To learn more about Adult Ministries, please contact Mary Wilson at mary@fpcknox.org, or call the church office at (865) 546-2531.
Adult Sunday School
Grow your faith and understanding of God with thoughtful Biblical topics in a caring community.
Worshipful Wednesday
Dinner, fellowship, and teaching programs for our congregation each Wednesday evening.