Global Missions
Global Missions are firmly rooted in the foundation of First Presbyterian Church. We support ministries and missionaries all over the world, in the Democratic Republic of Congo and beyond.
Global Missions has a rich and vibrant tradition at First Presbyterian Church! There is plenty of room for you in Global Missions at First Presbyterian.
In 2016, First Presbyterian funded the construction of a new building for the E.P. Mbyia Mulumba School in Mbuji Mayi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Today this building makes education possible for about 640 elementary students each year.
A First Presbyterian mission team visited the DR Congo in 2014 and built a partnership with the Congolese Presbyterian Church. Today First Presbyterian and the Congolese churches are working together to build schools, conduct leadership institutes for young adults, and care for orphans and other vulnerable children in DR Congo.
In 2000, First Presbyterian sent a mission team of youth and adults to Reynosa, Mexico to build a family home in a Reynosa barrio. In partnership with Ministerio de Fe, teams made five more trips between 2001 and 2008 to build other homes.
Read below about the Global Mission initiatives now underway.
We run a Mission Market at the church that sells fair trade crafts and foods from around the world, to support small-scale farmers and independent businesses. Click here to learn more.
First Presbyterian funds three Mission Co-workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo to support the Presbyterian mission there today. They are Jeff and Christi Boyd, who serve as Regional Liaison (Jeff) and Regional Facilitator for Women’s and Children’s Interests (Christi), and Jose LaMont Jones, Education Assistant for the Presbyterian Community in Kinshasa (CPK).
First Presbyterian supports the Christian Medical Institute of the Kasai (IMCK) in Tshikaji, Democratic Republic of Congo. Founded in 1954 by Dr. Bill Rule, a medical missionary from our church, IMCK includes the Good Shepherd Hospital, clinics, and schools that teach nursing and laboratory technician training.
We support the Congo Leadership Initiative, which offers leadership training to Congolese youth, equipping them with tangible changemaking and entrepreneurial skills. Graduates go on to become self-sufficient, attend colleges, start businesses, win election to public office, and develop innovative strategies to help their communities, often with the help of micro-loans. (Link to article on our website.)
The church is an active participant in the Congo Mission Network, a worldwide organization supporting schools, churches, medical care and community development in DR Congo. First Presbyterian participants meet with CMN peers during the year, virtually or in person, and help lead sessions of vital interest in Congo and the U.S.
The church works with Build Congo Schools, a nonprofit that aids in the building of durable schools, and providing teacher training, books and scholarships in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In 2016, First Presbyterian fully funded the construction of a school in Mbuji Mayi.
First Presbyterian supports Bridge Refugee Services of Knoxville, which works to resettle refugee families. Sometimes First Presbyterian adopts refugee families as a church to help with housing, children’s school needs and family fellowship.
First Presbyterian promotes four denominational offerings each year. They are: One Great Hour of Sharing for disasters and emergencies, hunger and development (received at Easter), the Pentecost Offering for children and youth (May), the Peacemaking Offering (World Communion Sunday in October)and the Christmas Offering for racial-ethnic minority schools and retired servants of the church.