Service Information at FPC
Join us as we gather each week to worship God and share the good news!

Details on Gathering for Worship at First Presbyterian
We are now meeting in person and have added an 8:45 am early worship service in the chapel during the school year, and 11 am year-round in the Sanctuary. Be sure to check out details on parking and building information, downloading bulletins, and children’s ministry.
Sunday Morning
We meet each Sunday at 9:45 am for Sunday school and 8:45 am or 11 am for Worship. There is a nursery and Children’s Church to teach children about the Gospel.
Additional Services
We meet every Sunday and also for other services throughout the year - Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve Services and more.
Wednesday Evening
Every Wednesday during the school year (August - May), we meet at 5:30 for a delicious dinner in the Fellowship Hall and have a service or teaching program following.
Worship Services at First Presbyterian
We understand that God, most importantly, calls us to glorify God and enjoy our Lord forever. We accomplish this through the act of worship. Each week we gather to praise our creator, to confess our sins, to rejoice in God’s grace, to hear His word read and proclaimed, and to respond as faithful people of God who go out to share the Good News with others.
As a part of the reformed church, we recognize the centrality that worship should have in our Christian life. We also profess that this cannot be done alone but requires all members of the body to come together. Choir, ministers, and congregation join together in the drama of worship, remembering that in worship, we are the performers while God is the audience. Each week we bring only our best in offering to our Lord.
Worship Services
Information about our worship services with links to sermon podcasts, live video streaming, and bulletins.
Directions & Parking
Coming to visit? Here’s how to reach us downtown, where to park, and info for navigating our building.

Worship Bulletins
Review the upcoming Order of Worship for Sunday, or review archives from previous worship services.
Music at First Presbyterian
Music plays a vital role in worship here at First Presbyterian of Knoxville. Through vocal and instrumental music we lift our music as a sacred offering to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ each week in worship.
The Adult Choir-leads in worship at our 11:00 AM worship service August through late May. This group of fine musicians, consisting of volunteers as well as professionals, enjoys singing a wide range of traditional music. Several times a year this group is augmented by professional string and brass players.
Highlights of the year include the annual Advent Lessons and Carols in early December as well as Christmas Lessons and Carols at our 11:00 PM Christmas Eve Service. Special Lenten works as well as a sung Tenebrae Service round out the year. This group rehearses each Wednesday from 7:30 PM-9:00 PM and Sunday from 10:00 AM- 11:00 PM.