Leadership at First Presbyterian
Guiding our Church Body with God’s Love and Wisdom

Church Leadership Structure
First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, adheres to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (PCUSA), and possesses a representative form of government. Church members elect officers and commission them to fulfill various leadership roles defined by the PCUSA. The chief elected council is the Session, which consists of both clergy and lay members, referred to as Elders. Their primary role is to exercise leadership in worship, governance, educational programs, and church mission, both local and global. The Session also supervises the work of another elected body, known as the Diaconate or Board of Deacon, which provides assistance in a variety of areas ranging from operational support to member care. Both the Session and Board of Deacons are answerable to several higher order governing bodies within the PCUSA. In addition to Elders and Deacons, a number of support staff and committee chairs provide leadership in the execution of day-to-day church operations and the achievement of ministry goals.
Welcome to First Presbyterian from Senior Pastor Mark Curtis
Welcome! On behalf of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, I want to extend a warm welcome in the name of Christ Jesus. Whether you’re a member, a friend, or if you are simply looking for a vibrant community in which to love and serve God, we invite you as Christ invites all of us.
For nearly 230 years, First Presbyterian Church has been to be a welcoming and faithful community for Christ in the heart of Knoxville. The teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ shape us by guiding our worship, our care, our fellowship, and our service. Together, we find nourishment for our spirits and souls as we live out our faith and seek to follow Jehovah-jireh – our God who provides.
While our website will give you a glimpse into who we are, the truth is, there is no substitute for joining us in-person. The women and men that God has called to FPC are loving and committed to serving as the hands and feet of Christ; and our physical space is inspiring, as an important tool in our work to glorify God in the amid bustling downtown life. We hope you will come experience how God is moving in worship – through music and liturgy; in our discipleship – through the Christian Education, Worshipful Wednesdays and First Fellowship; and in our service – through FISH, Family Promise, Habitat for Humanity and the Mission Market.
So, come join us for worship or for one of our many fellowship and educational opportunities! We look forward to welcoming you, learning your name, and hearing your story. We know God has plans for our future far beyond anything we dare ask or imagine, and we hope you to come join the journey!

“As newcomers to town, Bill and I made our way to First Presbyterian Church in the heart of Knoxville and found just what we were searching for – a place where worshipping God is inspiring and joyful, where all are accepted and loved, a church with foundations of strong leadership, and a congregation that was engaged in the community. Being part of a diverse group of people who share the love of Christ felt like home, and we feel like we are truly a part of a large, loving family.”
- Ginny Morrow