Fellowship at First Presbyterian Church
Get to know your church family through organized groups and activities!
Gather With Us for Fun and Community Building at FPC!
First Presbyterian Church is a community that treasures fellowship. From Wednesday Night Dinners to the Rally Day Swimming Party, Fellowship Groups to hiking excursions we love to gather and eat, laugh, pray, and generally just enjoy one another’s company.
“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”
Matthew 18:20
Join us as we strive to nurture one another as well as welcome visitors to all of our activities. Please check out the many ways you can join opportunities to grow in fellowship and connect with our community.
We encourage everyone to participate in our areas of fellowship, to grow in relationship with one another as we continually seek Christ’s call for us. We understand that to be Christ’s body in the world, we must come together to strengthen our church family, and it is for this purpose that we join together in fellowship. Check out yearly Fellowship opportunities and upcoming events in the links below.
First Fellowship Groups
Come join a group! Once monthly meetings for a meal or other fellowship activities.
Fellowship Opportunities
Check out opportunities for gathering as a community to enjoy activities in our city.
Co-ed Softball League
Join the Fighting Turnips softball team or come and root us on! Schedule and sign up info here.

"Five years ago, as new residents of Knoxville, Bill and I were looking for a place to belong. We visited several different churches, but always made our way back to FPC. In the end, it was the people who reached out to include us that helped us make our decision. First Presbyterian is a wonderful place to build a community."
- Jenny Eversole