Children’s Ministry at First Presbyterian
Equipping children to learn, believe, and share God’s Word

Important Information on the Nursery and Children’s Ministry
All Children’s Ministry activities (Sunday school, Children’s Church, and Worshipful Wednesday) happen in the children’s ministry area on the second floor, next to the Commons Area, and across from the Fellowship Hall. The nusery, for infants up to four year olds, meet nearby on the second floor across from the Children’s Courtyard. For questions or more information, contact Meredith Loftis at meredith@fpcknox.org.
Worshipful Wednesday
Every Wednesday during the school year (August - May), we meet at 5:30 for a delicious dinner in the Fellowship Hall and the children meet for classes and activities from 6:30 - 7:30.
Sunday School
The children meet each Sunday at 9:45 am (9:30 during the summer) for Sunday school and 11 am for Worship. To learn more about Sunday school programs, see links below.
Children’s Church
After the teaching for young disciples in the worship service, children ages 4 - 2nd grade are invited to join Children’s Church held on the 2nd floor for music and teaching.
Help your child get connected to children’s ministry at FPC!
First Presbyterian Church believes children are important members of our church family and consider it an honor to share with them the Gospel of Christ.
Jesus made it quite clear that children—all children—matter to God. He values them not only for what they will become in the future but for who they are today. Jesus even recommended to His disciples that to understand God’s Kingdom, they needed to observe, learn from, and imitate young children.
We have many active programs for children from infancy up through their teen years. The Christian Education Committee helps to shape the children’s ministry program and provide a stronger, more effective, more unified teaching program.
Children are welcomed to participate in Sunday School, Children’s Worship, Worshipful Wednesday programming including music with our choir director, Lenten activities, Easter Pageant, Camp John Knox, Vacation Bible School, our annual Christmas Pageant, and many other events planned through the year for fellowship and to engage their minds and hearts.
It is the goal of the Christian Education Committee to ensure a safe and engaging place for our children to learn about God’s love and what it means to be part of a faith community.
To learn more about children’s ministry at First Presbyterian, please contact Meredith Loftis at meredith@fpcknox.org or call the church office at (865) 546-2531.
Approach to Worship
Learn more about how we tell the story of the Gospel at FPC and prepare our children for worship.
Children’s Programs
Learn about VBS and Sunday School classes for children, from infants through Fifth Grade.

“At First Presbyterian Church we always know how loved our children are. They leave every Sunday School Class, Children’s Church, or Wednesday Night Class with a smile, joy, and a new love for Christ. We know they are learning God’s Word, because of meaningful conversations they have with us and other adults. We are so thankful for the amazing teachers in our Children’s Programing at First Presbyterian Church.”
-Vanessa & Daniel Smith