Stewardship at First Presbyterian
Seeking God's Peace: Through Connection, Reflection, and Service, We Become Instruments of His Grace
Dear Friends in Christ,
Seeking God’s Peace: Reflect. Connect. Serve. These words are guiding us this year as a congregation. They serve as a reminder of our calling to seek God’s peace in every aspect of our lives, drawing inspiration from Psalm 34:14 and 2 Corinthians 13:11. In today’s fast-paced world, finding peace can seem elusive. On a recent business trip, I noticed how even the quietest moments are filled with distractions—television screens by hotel elevators, on the pumps at gas stations, everywhere! It seems that in our culture, we’re expected to be constantly entertained and engaged. But perhaps this is exactly why our church’s mission matters so much—because we offer something different: spaces to reflect, connect, and serve.
During this season of stewardship, I invite you to pause for a moment—or several—in your own life. Reflect on the ways you’ve experienced God’s peace. Think about how the connections you’ve made within this church have brought meaning and purpose to your life. Reflect on the ways you’ve served God through our church—whether in worship, community outreach, or simply in the joy of gathering in fellowship.
We are doing important work for Christ in the heart of Knoxville. From feeding the hungry to nurturing the faith of all generations, we are living out Christ’s call to love and serve one another. As we approach Dedication Sunday on October 27th, I ask that you prayerfully consider how you can support and be part of this work—how you can help us continue to Seek God’s Peace through your gifts of time, talents, and financial support.
Enclosed you will find a brochure titled Service Opportunities at First Presbyterian Church along with a pledge card for 2025. I hope the brochure gives a small glimpse of all wonderful things God is doing in and through our congregation as we reflect on God’s abundant blessings, connect more deeply with one another, and serve our God and our neighbors with hearts full of gratitude. Your faithful contributions to our church and its mission, whether through volunteer efforts or financial giving, help ensure that our ministries continue to grow and thrive for generations to come.
Please bring your completed pledge card with you to worship on Dedication Sunday, October 27th or email your pledge to pledge@fpcknox.org. Together, we can ensure that First Presbyterian Church continues to share God’s love, grace, and peace through all we do.
Yours in Christ,