Approach to Children’s Worship
Helping children learn the Bible and build a growing Faith to know and love God
A new curriculum, Young Children and Worship (1989, Westminster/John Knox Press) for use in Children’s Worship, has been approved and purchased by the Christian Education Committee.
This curriculum meets goals established in 2019:
(1) Tell the story and
(2) Prepare children for meaningful transition into adult worship by 3rd grade.
The approach in Young Children and Worship is different from the usual ways of teaching about worship. It “shows children how to worship God instead of just teaching about worship. Worship flows from our love of God and requires active participation. It is difficult to describe worship in a book because it is experiential. This storytelling method is also difficult to describe because it is visual, oral and kinesthetic.”
The first three or four sessions/lessons in the timeline establish a routine for worship. The method has a Montessori flavor. It is very structured, and quite reverent, while also being child centered and developmentally appropriate. The beautiful, and non-consumable, materials are labeled and organized in a volunteer friendly manner. Each week children are encouraged to “wonder” at different points in the story. “Wondering” is a major component of the program. In alignment, recommendations from “Sabbath Practices Ministry Kit for Children” from the Presbyterian Church USA website states “Consistently use ‘I Wonder’ language with children when telling Bible stories and other stories of faith. Help them to see themselves in God’s story by asking open-ended questions that encourage conversation and reflections.”