Calling all Presbyterian women! You are invited to the annual Spring Banquet of FPC Presbyterian Women on Tuesday, May 14, in the Fellowship Hall, whether you belong to a church circle or not. Please join this festive and delicious event, when the Rev. Dr. Meredith Loftis will present the Bible lesson, Life Membership Awards are bestowed, beloved deceased friends are honored, and fellowship abounds. Real Good Kitchen will cater the gluten-free dinner of Lemon White Wine Chicken, fresh vegetables, and desserts.
The dinner will be at 6 p.m., with payment due by May 6. Cost of the meal is $20. You can pay the church online in the Presbyterian Women category (please note “Spring Banquet” in the text box). Or, you can mail a check to the church, made out to First Presbyterian Church with “Spring Banquet” in the memo line. Deadline to register is Monday, May 6. See you there!