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Called Congregational Meeting on August 6th to Elect Officers at FPC

Called Congregational Meeting: A Meeting of the Congregation of First Presbyterian Church is hereby called to be held immediately following worship on Sunday, August 6, 2023. The purpose of this meeting is to elect elders and deacons to the Class of 2026 and two unexpired terms on the Board of Deacons. Nominations for these offices will be made by the Nominating Committee. Other nominations can be made by the congregation during this meeting.

Rachel McCord – Clerk of Session and Rev. Mark R. Curtis – Moderator

Officers elected this year will be:

Elders: Laura Barton, Sarah Dugger, Bill Myers, Chuck Morris, Ginny Morrow, Pam Teague

Deacons: Sarah Henderson, Jan Houser, Tom Moorman, Luke Sowards, Will Warren, Jane Armstrong (Class of 2024), Don Cassell (Class of 2025)

July 26

Join us on July 26th at World's Fair Park!

August 12

Presbyterian Women's Fall Coffee is August 12th. Please join us!