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Easter Flower Dedications due Monday at noon! Submit online in the link below.

As much as we look forward to Spring and its beautiful burst of nature's color, as Christians we celebrate Christ's resurrection. Your generous donations continue to support the ministry of our devoted flower guild. We will joyfully celebrate the Holy Easter season with seasonal displays beginning with Easter Sunrise. If you would like to make a donation to the flower guild in memory or honor of a loved one, a dedication gift of $20.00 per name is suggested. Please indicate if your gift request is a memorial or an honorarium gift, the name for the dedication, and how you would like the "given by" to be noted.

You can pay on our online giving portal here in the Easter Flowers category or by check in the church office or offering plate. Please be sure to designate “Easter Flowers” in the memo line. You can make Easter Flower dedications in the link below, or with Sunday's Easter flower insert that you can put in the offering plate or emailing to Laura Harmon at

Please note: All submissions must be received by noon on Monday, March 18th. Thank you for supporting the Flower Guild!

March 3

FPC Justice Ministry Congregational Network Meeting and Dinner on March 3

March 6

Youth Crock Pot Cook-off is March 6 at Worshipful Wednesday - Please bring a Crock Pot Meal to Share!