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Easter Sunday - Sunday, April 9th

7:00 am Sunrise Service on the Turnip Patch Deck

Join us in your cozy clothes for a sunrise service as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection! A light breakfast will be offered following the service.

8 am - 10:30 am Light Easter Breakfast

Pastries, fruit, and other goodies will be offered in the Fellowship Hall.

10:30am - 11 am Flowering of the Cross & Easter Music Prelude

Let us remember Christ’s greatest victory over death by flowering the cross into a beautiful sign of Jesus’ gift of redemption for us. Please bring flowers to decorate! Flowering of the Cross starts at 10:30, our Easter Music Prelude starts at 10:45.

11:00 am Worship Service in Sanctuary & by Livestream here

“He is not here. He is risen!” Join us for a time of worship and celebration as we rejoice that the tomb is empty and Christ is risen!

*One Great Hour of Sharing Offering and FISH Boxes collected TODAY!

12:15 pm Easter Egg Hunt

Get those Easter baskets ready! Join us immediately following the 11:00 worship service for an egg hunt through the graveyard! Children through 5th grade are invited for this fun tradition.

April 9

One Great Hour of Sharing Collected on Easter Sunday

April 12

The Gray Havens Concert at First Presbyterian on April 12th