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Enjoy Stories of the Graveyard and Stained Glass Windows next week at Worshipful Wednesday

Do you wish you knew the basics on First Presbyterian’s historic graveyard and its beautiful stained glass window collection? April 20 is your chance to learn both! At the Wednesday, April 20, Worshipful Wednesday, Pat Armstrong and Kelly Norrell will deliver a lively rundown on the history of the graveyard (Pat) and the windows (Kelly). Pat and Kelly have each led tours of the church for many years.

Want to know how our cemetery came to be? Or to know the back story on your favorite window? Come to church for dinner at 5:30 p.m. and stay for this fascinating program at 6:30. Bring your friends! You’ll learn things about First Presbyterian you never knew before!

April 17

FPC Annual Easter Egg Hunt

April 22

Presbyterian Women "Come See Columbia" Day is April 22