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FPC Presbyterian Women's May Dinner is Coming Up!

Please join us for the annual Presbyterian Women May Dinner!

When? Tuesday, May 9th at 6:00

Where? First Presbyterian Fellowship Hall

Cost? $15 per attendee

Your payment serves as your RSVP and is due by Monday, May 1st! Unfortunately, we are unable to offer an option for payment the day of the event.

Payment Options:

-Payment on the Church Website with the memo “PW May Dinner”

-A check given to the church office or Phyllis Driver

Lauren Nunn is providing childcare for the evening of the May dinner. If you’d like childcare, please reach out and RSVP to her at 865-684-5111 with the number of children you will be bringing.

We look forward to celebrating another year of PW by presenting Life Memberships, a necrology honoring members who have passed, and our final Bible study lesson of the year! We hope to see you there!

For any questions, please contact Jenny Bryan at

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