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Justice Knox Rally at First Presbyterian on March 27th

Justice Knox’s Rally is this Monday, March 27, 7:00-8:30pm at First Presbyterian Church! The Rally is critical preparation for all Network Members for the Nehemiah Action Assembly. We share Action plans, and we also check in with our network to make sure that we are on track for our attendance goals at the Nehemiah Action. 

This year we will have an update on our ongoing gun violence work with the city: Community Safety Director LaKenya Middlebrook from the City of Knoxville will be in attendance to share that update. Also, this year at the Rally we will welcome two new member congregations: Messiah Lutheran Church, and the West Knoxville Friends Meeting. 

It is important that you get all of your committed network members out to the Rally! This is one of the four community events that network members agree to attend when they commit to be network members. Childcare will be available at First Presbyterian.

Please email if you need childcare. Contact Meredith Loftis at for questions.

March 22

Worshipful Wednesday Lenten Study Continues March 22nd

March 29

First Presbyterian Hosts Downtown Lenten Lunch