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Ladies are invited to join the Effie Rule Circle Meeting on September 13!

The Effie Rule Circle will meet on Tuesday, September 13, at 10:30 a.m. in the James Park Classroom. Sharon Patton is our Bible moderator and will be leading us in the first lesson of our new study book, Celebrating Sabbath. Following the lesson, we will enjoy lunch together! Our hostess will be Jean Mayer providing us with dessert, drinks, and goodies, and everyone is encouraged to bring a sandwich or something comparable to be enjoyed with Jean's provisions. It is a wonderful time of Bible study and fellowship! All ladies are welcome to join us! 

Please contact Celeste Whaley at with any questions you may have regarding this circle.

September 13

Julia White PW Meeting and Luncheon on September 13

September 15

Lydia Circle Invites Visitors to an Evening PW Circle Gathering on September 15th