The congregation of First Presbyterian Church is invited to a dinner and program on Wednesday, July 31st, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 6500 Northshore Drive, Knoxville. This program is sponsored by the Peacemaking Committee of the Presbytery of East Tennessee to give Knoxville Area Presbyterians the chance to meet the Rev. Dr. Elmarie Parker, the PCUSA Mission Co-Worker and Regional Liaison in the Middle Eastern countries of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and the Gulf States since 2013. The Peacemaking Committee invites participants to a free Middle Eastern meal catered by Yassin's at 6:00 pm in the Lisa Kaufman Hall, followed by the program at 6:45.
Elmarie's ministry involves developing partnerships between American churches and Middle Eastern churches. Here in her own words, Elmarie Parker explains the kind of inspiration American Christians can receive from Christians in the Middle East. “We have been serving here in the midst of the violence in Syria growing worse and in the midst of the self proclaimed Islamic State expanding its reach into Northern Iraq. Again and again we have seen all parts of the Christian family in these countries living Christ’s way of peace and transforming love toward all those in need, praying regularly for those who are carrying out the violence, offering forgiveness to the perpetrators, and inviting dialogue and partnership with the moderate Muslim community who also seeks to build societies founded on humanitarian values, international law, and the principles of democracy. Because of this, lives are being changed at the grass roots level and structures of education and government are being influenced. It is a privilege to stand with the Christian community here and to encourage international support of their vision, call, and work.”