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Presbyterian Women Retreat at Montreat

Women, make plans now to attend the fabulous First Presbyterian Women's Retreat Sept. 9-11 in Montreat, NC. You'll relax, have fellowship, and listen to speaker Jan Edmiston, General Presbyter for the Presbytery of Charlotte, NC. She is author of the blog, A Church for Starving Artists

The venue this year will be the Glen Rock Inn. To reserve your room, email or and indicate whether you will be in a private room or a shared room and who you will be sharing with.

Cost of Retreat:

Shared rooms are $110 per person.

Rooms occupied by one person are $150 for the weekend. First come, first served.

Send your check made out to the church office at First Presbyterian Church, 620 State Street, Knoxville, TN 37902 with “PW retreat” in the memo. You can also pay online. Please indicate that it’s for “PW Retreat.”

Call (865-216-6037) or email ( Jenny Bryan if you need assistance with the payment. Don’t let finances keep you from this meaningful weekend!

September 8

New Monthly Yarn Circle forming on September 8th in the Parlor!

September 11

Join the Carrick Class this week at 9:45 am and Learn about the rise and fall of the Kingdom of David