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Rally Day is August 13th!

Rally Day is August 13th at 9am! Join us for a delicious breakfast, our family faith formation kickoff for the season, blessing of the backpacks and presentation of bibles to our third graders.

We have been doing lots of planning and work for faith formation classes and activities in the Fall to engage all members of the First Presbyterian family. We will kick off Rally Day on Sunday, August 13th with a catered breakfast at 9 am. This year's theme, “Filled with all the FULLness of God,” from Ephesians 3:19 looks at all the ways we can love God and care for our church family, community, and the world.

We are called to be:










Please join us for breakfast in the Fellowship Hall on August 13th at 9 am followed by an extended program to kick off the new church calendar year.

Children, youth, teachers, and students of all ages: please bring your backpacks to the 11 am service for the annual “Blessings of the Backpacks.” Third Graders (and parents), please join us during the 11 am service so we can present your bibles.

Please be sure to join us for the pool party at the Peninsula Club at 2222 Houser Rd, Knoxville, TN 37919 at 2 pm for pizza and drinks!

Please contact the church office at (865) 546-2531 with any questions.

August 12

Presbyterian Women's Fall Coffee is August 12th. Please join us!

August 13

Please join us for a Rally Day Pool Party on Sunday, August 13 from 2 - 4 pm