Worshipful Wednesday week two on January 18th in the James Park Room, we will be continuing to finish up an earlier DVD Sunday School series called "First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God" with a discussion afterward. This is a study of the historical Jesus and the Kingdom of God with two of the world’s leading scholars (John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg) on location throughout Galilee and Jerusalem.
Some of the questions explored will be:
Why were the titles of Caesar Augustus — Divine, Son of God, God from God, Lord, Redeemer, Liberator, and Savior of the World — taken from a Roman emperor on the Palatine hill and given to a Jewish peasant on the Palestine plain? Why did Jesus happen when he happened? Why the confluence of the Baptism movement of John and the Kingdom movement of Jesus? Why the tiny villages around the Lake? Why the confrontations in Jerusalem?
These are the remaining two episodes:
Resurrection as Resistance on January 18th
America as the New Rome on January 25th
Email Mark Curtis with any questions at mcurtis@fpcknox.org.