Fellowship Opportunities
There is much fun and many activities to get involved in at FPC. Stay in touch through our newsletter and join us!
First Fellowship Group: There is no better way to form community than by breaking bread together. That is the idea behind First Fellowship Groups where members meet monthly at someone’s home, a park, or a restaurant to share a meal. Groups re-form every 6 months. Contact Jenny Eversole at (512) 925-3930 or jenny@wjeversole.com if you would like to be included.
Worshipful Wednesday Meals and Programs: On a rotating basis FPC Cooking Teams provide delicious Wednesday night meals at a reasonable price. Dinner is served at 5:30 pm followed by Wednesday night programming at 6:30 pm. These events follow the school calendar.
Annual Church Picnic: In the spring of the year, members gather at a park or other venue for a pot-luck picnic meal. Games and fellowship are always a part of the fun.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt: After the Easter Worship Service, the children gather in the graveyard to search for Easter eggs as the parents and other members watch on. Live animals are often part of the fun. This is a much-loved tradition and a wonderful opportunity for fellowship.
Softball: The Mighty Turnips Softball Team will soon make a comeback as our “youngish” members compete for bragging rights in a local softball league.
Church Christmas Party: The Fellowship Committee of the Deacons sponsor the Annual Church Christmas Party. Potluck food and white elephant gifts are always part of the celebration.
Rally Day Pool Party: Rally Day is FPC’s way to celebrate new beginnings. It marks the beginning of a new school year, renewed Wednesday dinners/programming, and Adult Sunday Schools get a new start. One of the special elements of that day is the congregational Rally Day Pool Party. Sponsored by the Deacon’s Fellowship Committee, food, fun, and swimming are always on the docket.
Annual Spring Congregational Retreat: Once every Spring, the church gathers at a retreat center for a weekend of worship, fellowship, good food and fun time together. The venue changes, but it is always a wonderful opportunity to know one another better.
Congregational Meals: Periodically, catered congregational meals are scheduled after Sunday worship. Sitting at the table with fellow members provides a perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and to get to know new members.
The Deacon’s Fellowship Committee schedules additional congregational events throughout the year including:
Group Tickets to Smokies Baseball
Hiking Groups
Walking Groups
Men’s Group
Game Nights
Craft Nights
Please watch the Thursday Congregational Update Newsletter for more information on upcoming events.
Trunk or Treat, Fall 2021