First Presbyterian Session

Elected members are chosen for leadership and governance of First Presbyterian

As there were in Old Testament times elders for the government of the people, so the New Testament Church provided persons with particular gifts to share in governing and ministry.

Elders are chosen by the people. Together with ministers of the Word and Sacrament, they exercise leadership, government, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a particular church as well as the church at large, including ecumenical relationships. They shall serve faithfully as members of the session.

The session of a particular church consists of the pastor or co-pastors, the associate pastors, and the elders in active service. All members of the session, including the pastor, co-pastors, and associate pastors, are entitled to vote. Click here to learn about Session responsibilities.

Session Members

Class of 2024

Gary Anderson

Sarah Cassell

Rachel Patton McCord

Dennis Ragsdale

Mike Reynolds

Vanessa Smith

Class of 2025

Robyn McAdoo

Bill Eversole

Craig Wrisberg

Sherri Allison

Ken Keith

Susan Seagraves

Harris Eddins (youth)

Class of 2026

Laura Barton

Sarah Dugger

Bill Meyers

Chuck Morris

Ginny Morrow – Chair of the Personnel and Administration Committee

Pam Teague