FPC Library Policies

Policies for Use of the Library

1. The mission of the library at First Presbyterian Church is to furnish materials to encourage study of the Bible and the Christian faith with emphasis on the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition. Selected materials shall be useful to teachers as well as learners.

2. Other categories of books to be considered include teaching (philosophy, methods, etc.), theology, comparative religion, devotional, denominational, and works of fiction with Christian content and context.

3. Materials may be suggested for purchase by church staff, members of the Library Committee, teachers, and members of the congregation. All purchases should be approved by the pastors or persons the pastors authorize for this purpose.

4. Monetary gifts to the library are welcomed. All gift materials are subject to the same selection criteria as items purchased through the library's budget. Memorial items will be marked with an appropriate bookplate. The donor and the family of the person being memorialized or honored will be notified of the selection.

5. The use of the library should be promoted through bulletin announcements, posters, displays, reviews, announcements in Sunday school classes, and other appropriate venues determined by the Library Committee.

6. All materials for the library will be catalogued and processed for either reference or circulation. Books intended for use in specific departments will be permanently kept in those departments.

7. The children's collection will be maintained in the children's Sunday school department and subject to the same policies and guidelines as the general collection.

8. The Library Committee functions as a subcommittee of the Christian Education Committee, which approves all library policies. The operations and the promotion of the library is the responsibility of the Library Committee.

9. Library materials are selected to the glory of God and as appropriate to further the peace, unity, and purity of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

For questions about use of the First Presbyterian Library, please contact library@fpcknox.org or call the church office at (865) 546-2531.