Galilee Olive Oil and Za’atar Mix Seasoning help Jewish and Arab Farmers

When you buy Sindyanna of Galilee Olive Oil and Za’atar Mix Seasoning at the Mission Market, you win twice. Because Sindyanna supports a partnership between Jewish and Arab farmers, your purchase offers Arab farmers in Israel a fair price for their crops. It also gives Palestinian and Israeli women greater economic opportunity and aids a rare model of Jewish-Arab coexistence.

On top of that, you get delicious products for your pantry. The cold-pressed Sindyanna Olive Oil ($19 for 26 oz, $8 for 8.5 oz) received the Extra Gold Certification in Italy. And the Za’atar Mix ($5.50 for 2.8 oz) is wonderful in salads, vegetables, meat dishes, and with olive oil on bread. These products come to us through SERRV.


Balsamic Vinegar Purchases Aid South African Women and Youth