50th Anniversary Celebration for the Morrows

Join us for the 50th Anniversary Celebration for Bill and Ginny Morrow

We are thrilled to extend our congratulations to Bill and Ginny Morrow as they mark fifty years of marriage this year. Their story began when Ginny, an accounting student at the University of Alabama, crossed paths with Bill, who was working as a teaching assistant for one of her accounting professors. He noticed the smart, attractive student in the class, waited for the semester to wrap up, then asked her to dinner. They got married at Christ Episcopal Church in Tuscaloosa on December 29, 1973.

The Morrows moved to middle Tennessee for their careers and initially became members of First Presbyterian Church of Nashville in Oak Hill. Then, in 1978, they relocated to Knoxville and joined our congregation, becoming integral members of our community. Their involvement within the church has been wide-ranging, spanning multiple areas of ministry, including work with children, youth, and young adults. They established the Foundation Builders Sunday School class years ago, creating a devoted community of Bible students. Both have served as elders and deacons multiple times, with Ginny notably becoming the first female moderator of the Board of Deacons in the church's history.

They actively engage in various church activities, preparing meals for the kitchen, volunteering at Dogwood Elementary, and dedicating years to significant involvement at Volunteer Ministry Center, where they not only served meals but also created meaningful connections with the clients. Ginny is active in the Julia White circle and makes the church more beautiful through her participation in the flower guild. Bill plays a key role in overseeing the church's financial management and yearly budget. Their impact on the church extends to pivotal roles in the recent renovation of the church's 68,000 square foot facility. Ginny spearheaded the renovation committee, while Bill helped lead the capital campaign, both bringing their energy and leadership to this transformative project for our church.

What has left the greatest impression, however, is their exceptional involvement and kindness towards people of all generations at First Presbyterian. Not having children of their own, they have whole-heartedly embraced the church community as their own family. They have formed relationships that have gone the distance in our community. Their selflessness and dedication to the church have created a ripple effect, inspiring others to get involved and make a positive impact. Their kindness and generosity have touched many lives, and we are proud to call them our friends.

Senior Pastor Mark Curtis expressed, "Bill and Ginny are woven into the very fabric of this church. Their contributions to First Presbyterian go beyond more than many know, see, or understand. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have them as part of our community.”

When asked about their guidance for younger married couples, Bill advised, "Don't go to bed angry. Ever. Start forgiving before your head hits the pillow." Ginny added, "Remember why you fell in love with them in the first place. Remember what brought you together."

They also suggested collaborating on projects they you both feel passionate about, such as serving at the church. They both said, "We work together much better than we ever could apart."

Above all, they both emphasized that their faith has been what has held them together for all these years. Through the ups and downs of life, they have relied on their relationship with God to guide them and provide strength when they needed it most.

The Morrows are graciously providing a catered reception featuring heavy hors d’oeuvres for their church family to celebrate their 50th anniversary following the 11 am service on December 31st. You are invited! Let’s gather to show our love and appreciation for Ginny and Bill, and to congratulate them on this incredible milestone in their lives.