Musical Instruments
First Presbyterian is blessed to have two wonderful pipe organs, a large 55-rank Casavant/B Rule & Co in the sanctuary and a small, Baroque chamber organ by Taylor & Boody in our chapel.
Chapel Organ
This organ is typical of a small 18th century English organ. In fact, there is a letter from George Frederick Handel sated September 30, 1749 listing the stops for a chamber organ that he wanted to be built for his own use. Aside from the pedal stop, which his organ did not have, the stops of our organ here in the chapel of First Presbyterian are identical to the ones he proposed.
Great Echo Pedal Couplers 8′ Open Diapason 8′ Stopt Diapason 16′ Subbass GT/PD 8′ Stopt Diapason 4′ Recorder EC/PD 4′ Principal 2 2/3′ Twelfth (c’) 2′ Fifteenth 1 3/5′ Tierce (c’)
Mechanical key and stop action
Compass: Manuals, C,D-g’; Pedal, C,D-f’
Kellner temperament
Lowest note for treble stops adjustable: c’ or cs’
Metal pipes of hammered lead-tin alloys
Case and pipe shades of solid walnut in
Classical English style
8′ Stopt Diapason common to both manual