Musical Practice Schedule
Each week members of our community join together to rehearse selections that will be used in upcoming worship services. Check out our schedule below, and contact Mark Pace with any questions at mark@fpcknox.org.
Children’s Choir:
The Children’s Choir meets from 6:30 and 7:30 during our Worshipful Wednesday Program. In addition to learning notes and rhythms the choirs play musical games, rhythm and instruments as well as handchimes.
Music for children is offered each Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 during our Worshipful Wednesday Program.
Adult Choir:
The Adult Choir-leads in worship at our 11:00 AM worship service August through late May. This group of fine musicians, consisting of volunteers as well as professionals, enjoys singing a wide range of traditional music. Several times a year this group is augmented by professional string and brass players. Highlights of the year include the annual Advent Lessons and Carols in early December as well as Christmas Lessons and Carols at our 11:00 PM Christmas Eve Service. Special Lenten works as well as a sung Tenebrae Service round out the year.
Rehearses each Wednesday night (August-May) from 7:30-9:00 in the Choir Room as well as 10:00-10:45 on Sunday Morning.
Adult Handbell Choir:
The Adult Handbell Choir-rings at our 11:00 AM worship service at least once a month. Located in our sanctuary balcony, the choir rehearses and rings in the same location.
Rehearses each Sunday (August-May) after the 11:00 am worship service in the balcony of the sanctuary.