Celebrate Easter with a Flower Dedication in Memory or Honor of a Loved One

As we eagerly welcome the beauty of spring, we also prepare to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. Your generous donations support the ministry of our dedicated Flower Guild, which will joyfully adorn our worship spaces with seasonal floral displays, beginning with the Easter Sunrise service.

If you would like to contribute to the Flower Guild in memory or honor of a loved one, a suggested dedication gift of $20.00 per name is appreciated. Please specify whether your gift is a Memorial or an Honorarium, include the name for the dedication, and indicate how you would like the "given by" acknowledgment to appear.

For your convenience, we are once again offering an online form for Easter flower dedications. Printed forms are also available at the sanctuary and chapel entrances, in the Commons, and outside the Office door. Once completed (please write legibly), you may drop them in the tray on the office window or mail them to the church office.

To submit your payment, please visit our online giving portal and select the Easter Flowers category, or you may write a check with "Easter Flowers" in the memo line and submit it at the church office or in the offering plate.

Deadline: All submissions must be received by noon on Thursday, April 3rd.

Thank you for supporting the Flower Guild! If you have any questions, please contact Sandra or Jane in the office at church@fpcknox.org.


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Note from Fred Brackney