Celebrating Stacy Davis

Hey friends, we are very late in acknowledging this but we wanted to send a hearty congratulations to Stacy Davis, who won the Science Communicator Award at Oak Ridge National Lab's UT-Battelle Awards on November 5th of last year.

This award recognized a researcher for clearly and effectively explaining his/her science or technology to the public, thus creating a better understanding of ORNL’s and DOE’s work, enhancing an appreciation for science, and conveying the benefits of science and technology to society at large.

Stacy conducted numerous media engagements and successful outreach efforts to translate ORNL's transportation research into meaningful information for consumers striving to save fuel and money.

In so many ways, Stacy's research and communication efforts are critical for the time we live in. Her work in educating consumers helps to reduce climate change, oil dependence costs and increases energy sustainability for years to come. Congratulations on this wonderful award, Stacy!


Dale Teague and Baxter Ragsdale


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