FPC Presbyterian Women Take Leadership Roles at East Tennessee Event
FPC members attended the PWPET Spring Gathering in Chattanooga March 20. They are: Jane Armstrong, Phyllis Driver, Jean Mayer, Sonja Dubois (we share her with Erin Presbyterian), Ann Myers, Hilda Lipe and Kelly Norrell
Seven members of First Presbyterian Church attended the annual Spring Gathering of Presbyterian Women of East Tennessee at New Hopewell Presbyterian in Chattanooga last weekend. The Rev. Ann Myers was installed as 2024 moderator of the presbytery-wide group, Phyllis Driver as representative for peace and justice, and Kelly Norrell as newsletter editor. (You can receive your own free copy of the monthly newsletter. Just click here.) The group heard a report from the leaders of the presbytery-wide visit to civil rights historic sites such as the King Center in Atlanta in February. The Rev. Dr. Meredith Loftis helped lead that trip. “We are part of that history. We remember it,” said Lay Pastor Doris Thomas of Emmanuel United Presbytery, Knoxville. “We want our young people to know that history too.” Jean Mayer played piano for the service.