2022 Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday // Sunday, April 10th
11:00 Worship Service in Sanctuary and by Livestream
“Hosannah! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” Celebrate with us as we rejoice at Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem! Palm branches will be distributed to our children and Palm Sunday attendants for this special celebration.
12:15 Resurrection Garden Activity
Join us in the Fellowship Hall after the service to build a Resurrection Garden! This fun, interactive craft reminds us of Jesus’ final week leading up to the cross and how he burst through the tomb doors into resurrection life. A Holy Week daily devotional will accompany this craft. Children of all ages (with parental help) are welcome! Adults of all ages are also welcome! To participate in the Resurrection Garden Activity please RSVP to alex@fpcknox.org by April 3rd so that we can prepare and have enough supplies.
Maundy Thursday Dinner and Service // Thursday, April 14th at 5:30 pm
Thursday, April 14th starting with a dinner at 5:30 in the fellowship hall. The service will start at 6:30 and will also be offered by livestream on our website here.
Maundy Thursday proclaims Jesus’ new commandment to love one another as he loved us. It begins with an emphasis on confession and forgiveness and concludes with the stripping of the church in preparation for Good Friday.
“Little children, I am with you only a little longer. You will look for me; and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’ I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:33-35
Downtown Good Friday Service // Friday, April 15th at 5:30 pm
The downtown churches will offer an ecumenical Good Friday Service by offering a journey through the stations of the cross. Please join us at Market Square near Gay St for this interactive service.
Easter Sunday // Sunday, April 17th
7:00 am Sunrise Service on the Turnip Patch Deck
Join us in your cozy clothes for a sunrise service as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection! A light breakfast will be offered following the service.
9:30-10:30 Easter Brunch
Pastries, fruit, and other goodies will be offered.
10:30- 10:45 Flowering of the Cross and Easter Music Prelude
Let us remember Christ’s greatest victory over death by flowering the old rugged cross into a beautiful sign of Jesus’ gift of redemption for us. Please bring flowers to decorate!
Flowering of the Cross starts at 10:30, our beautiful Easter Music Prelude starts at 10:45
11:00 Worship Service in Sanctuary and by Livestream here
“He is not here. He is risen!” Join us for a time of worship and celebration as we rejoice that the tomb is empty and Christ is risen!
*One Great Hour of Sharing Offering and FISH Boxes collected TODAY!
12:00 Easter Egg Hunt
Get those Easter baskets ready! Join us on the Turnip Patch deck immediately following the 11:00 worship service for an egg hunt through the graveyard! Children through 5th grade are invited for this fun tradition.