Join the Mighty Fightin' Turnips Softball Team!

The Fightin' Turnips are back and ready for action! Our fearless co-ed softball team will be resuming practice this Spring and will be playing on Monday Nights at Caswell Park. We need a few more players, and this is a great way to get plugged in and connect with some new folks at the church. There is often a time for food and drinks after the games, and the objective is always to have fun and be together. Reach out to Coach Preston Smith for more information at

The schedule will be coming soon, so stay tuned and support the Turnips by coming to their games and cheering loudly!

Learn More about the history of the Turnips in the link below, and please join us as a fan or player in the coming weeks!


Presbytery-wide Bible Study "Studies in Genesis" starts January 8th


Longtime Presbyterian Women Member Irma McGuffey turns 100.