Letter from Alex McGavic

First Presbyterian Church,

It is with a mixture of sadness and joy I announce that my last day on staff as the Youth and Children’s Ministry Director will be on Sunday, April 24th. As of May 1st I will be starting a new position in business development for a legal non-profit. I believe that everything First Presbyterian has taught me has prepared me for this next step. Over the past 4 years you all have given me the privilege of stewarding and caring for the youth and children’s programs as well as the blessing of letting me be apart of each and every child, teenager, adult, parent, and grandparent that has walked through the doors of First Presbyterian seeking the refreshment of the Gospel. What an absolute joy that has been for me.

I cannot begin to describe the gratitude I have for the many opportunities you all have afforded me. When I first began my time here, I was barely 22 years old and you all accepted me right away in classic First Presbyterian fashion. I did not know a soul in Knoxville, but the Lord, in His graciousness, gave me friends and family right away through this church.

I want to say thank you for your patience with me. In my first real job out of college you walked alongside me as I learned to effectively communicate, budget, plan, and execute those plans with volunteers and committees working together for Christ in the heart of Knoxville. Along the way I have met and married my best friend in this church, bought a house, and have grown into a 26 year-old who still doesn’t know what to do but is better at acting like it. You all have been there, in the background, showing me the love and patience we talk about on Sunday mornings during worship. For that I am grateful.

Thankfully, this is not a goodbye forever! Angie and I will still be in Knoxville and are eager to be a part of the FPC Family but from a different perspective for me this time.

Again, thank you to each and every one of you who has been a part of my time at First Presbyterian Church. Angie and I are excited for the next chapter of our life and we both will cherish this season for a long time to come.


Alex McGavic


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Congrats to Savannah Leitch