Make Sure you are Keeping Up with UKirk!
Adejah Mack from UKirk - read her quote below on the impact this student ministry has had in her life
UKirk is the The PC(USA) Campus Ministry at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville that we help support - and is a place where many of our youth and college students have found a home. They just released their summer newsletter, which you can read in the link below. It is filled with dates and important news, including a work day on August 19th to get the house ready for students.
Check out more news and updates in the link below.
"To me UKirk is a safe space to find yourself and explore your faith. I never feel judged for who I am or how I go about my journey with Christ. I love that UKirk is open to everyone from all backgrounds and is always finding ways to connect with students on campus whether that's through events, different worship styles, or UPerk just to name a few. UKirk has really become my home away from home and I'm definitely going to miss it when I graduate."
- Adejah Mack (pictured above) is a Wildlife and Fisheries Science with a health concentration and a minor in animal science.