Mark Your Calendar! Exciting Events Ahead as our Fall programs launch!
The staff had a very productive yearly planning session last week. There are so many great classes and events coming up at First Presbyterian!
Our annual staff planning event was a huge success this week! We have so many exciting events planned for the Fall. We are truly grateful for our church body and how God is working through every ministry and every church member. Our team has been working closely with our ministries to help launch events that will bring us all together in worship and unity. We can't wait to see everyone there! Save the dates for the events below and get ready to join us for an incredible season.
July 31st - Peacemaking Committee dinner and program at Westminster church
August 3rd - FPC Work day - Coffee and snacks provided
August 4th - 10th - Family Promise week at FPC
August 10th - Presbyterian Women Coffee
August 11th - Rally Day! Breakfast and program, presentation of our faith formation theme for 2024-2025, blessing of the backpacks, presenting bibles to 3rd graders
August 11th - Rally Day Pool Party at the Peninsula Club, pizza provided! Please bring a side or dessert
August 13th - Presbyterian Women Circles begin
August 14th - Worshipful Wednesday begins for the Fall
August 14th PET presents "Reimagining Growing Old, From Age-ing to Sage-in"
August 18th - Adult Sunday School starts for the Fall
August 25th - Presbyterian Women Officer Installation at 11 am service
August 29th - Adult Fellowship "Lunch Bunch" begins