Mission Haven update and Advent Devotional written by Frank Dimmock

The Peacemakers at First Presbyterian Church - Bradenton, FL make quilts with love and prayer. The new president of Mission Haven, Barbara Borderieux, presented them to their two youngest residents at their Annual Banquet last week! The accompanying note reminds the children that they are wrapped in God's love and are never alone.

Mission Haven, one of our mission partners supported annually through the Global Missions committee, provides affordable short-term housing and warm hospitality to mission co-workers of the Presbyterian Church (USA). It is the only residential program in the US for furloughed and visiting Presbyterian missionaries. Because they live and work abroad, most missionaries don’t own homes in the US even though they are very often US natives. Located adjacent to Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia, Mission Haven also operates a Clothes Closet offering donated clothing for missionary families and students at local seminaries, while extending prayers and spiritual support. This 501(c)(3) organization is supported and operated by Presbyterian Women from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee. First Presbyterian Church member Ann Myers is the Tennessee representative on the Mission Haven Board.

Please check out their December newsletter in the link below for an Advent Devotion written by Frank Dimmock, a friend to First Presbyterian. Frank and his wife, Nancy, served as PCUSA mission co-workers in Malawi, Lesotho, and Zambia for 32 years. They, along with their eight children (now grown), have been frequent residents of Mission Haven over the years. Frank retired this past September, and he and Nancy have purchased a home near Atlanta where they are new empty-nesters. Learn more in the links below!


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