New Books in the Children's Library
We have eight new books in the children's library on the second floor, given by Maddie Pitt (grandaughter of Mary Wilson) in honor of her wonderful children's Sunday School teachers at First Presbyterian. Check out the books in the following list and learn more about the library in the link below.
1) In Honor of Sharon Patton McCord:
The Apostles’ Creed for All Children, by Benjamin Myers
2) In Honor of Raymond McCord:
100 Sheep: a Counting Parable, by Amy-Jill Levine
3) In Honor of Rachel Trentham:
What is God Like?, by Rachel Held Evans
4) In Honor of Celeste Whaley:
Who is My Neighbor?, by Amy-Jill Levine
5) In Honor of Sallee Reynolds:
Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers, by Mairi Hedderwick
6) In Honor of Elizabeth Henderson:
When God Tucks in the Day, by Allia Nolan
7) In Honor of Marie Fox:
Water, Come Down!: The Day You Were Baptized, by Walter Wangerin
8) In Honor of Jane Armstrong:
The Night of His Birth, by Katherine Paterson