Note from KARM Gift Card Recipient
Just a reminder that we are a KARM Stores’ "Corners of Your Field" program church partner. Our church will receive store credits for donations made by our members, which we then give out to people in need through our ministry partners. We recently received a hand-written note from one of the recipients:
I want to let you know what a blessing you've been to me through your gifts to KARM. God has used your gifts to help me begin a new life and I thank Him for your kind heart.
- Tiffany
How it works:
Individuals or families can donate their gently used items to KARM Stores. The KARM Stores employee serving them will ask the name of our church. Quarterly, First Presbyterian will receive gift cards to KARM Stores that can be given to anyone who comes to the church in need.
Thank you for your contributions this year!