One Great Hour of Sharing "FISH" boxes will be distributed on Sunday!
During the season of Lent, please be prayerfully considering how you might impact lives through the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, which will be collected Easter morning. Each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, promote development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and assist in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Here are ways that OGHS has an impact around the globe:
$3.1 million granted by PDA in the United States and 35 countries
90 grants impacting 22 countries given by PHP over 55,000 pounds of seeds and seedlings were distributed for farming
228,318 Gift of the Heart Kits and Blankets distributed
291 certified PC(USA) Earth Care congregations helped care for creation
875 Chickens were distributed in Guatemala and Colombia
$5,500 grant helped small famers in South Sudan
105 Women became self-employed in Malawi
872 Presbyterian congregations purchased eco-palms for sustainable forestry and livelihoods
152 People won their land back in Sri Lanka
More impact projects can be viewed here: