Spotlight on Bridge Refugee Services classes at First Presbyterian Church

Bridge Refugee Services is a non-profit refugee resettlement organization operating in both Knoxville and Chattanooga. Our mission is to provide opportunities for refugees to rebuild their lives after suffering persecution so that they may become productive, contributing members of the community. We do not do this alone. Refugee resettlement can only happen in community, and it is with a cadre of volunteers, partners, donors, advocates—and the resilient bravery of clients themselves—that refugees are welcomed and supported in their quest for safety, security and home. First Presbyterian Church has partnered with Bridge Refugee Services by providing a space for our refugees to learn and develop new skills.

The first opportunity to help our refugees is through providing them with medical classes that will help them navigate the health system as well as be informed about their own health. While connecting with our refugees, our case workers noticed a gap in health literacy. We hope this will bridge that gap and help our refugees have more agency over their own health. UTK Nursing will lead the classes, and the topics will include: how to talk with your doctor, a quick anatomy lesson, some infectious disease information, and more.

The second opportunity is an ongoing sewing class to teach our clients how to sew. This is a skill that they can use to either start a business or be hired by local tailoring companies. We hope that all the supplies will be donated to Bridge by our wonderful volunteers and community partners. At the end of the six-week class, the refugees will be able to take their sewing machines with them so they can work from home. Bridge attempted to start a similar sewing group in 2020 but the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible to continue. The class was so helpful to our refugees that we began to look for ways to start them again. This class also provides another important opportunity for our clients – community. Being able to meet and socialize with others who share their plight is advantageous both socially and to their mental health. Since there are language barriers, another benefit to our clients is that the classes will be conducted in an ESL (English as a Second Language) format. We are very excited to be able to offer this to our clients, with the help of First Presbyterian Church. Without your support, we not have a place to conduct these important classes.

If you would like to help in either of these endeavors, we are always in need of volunteers and donations. Please contact (Volunteer Coordinator) or (Case Manager and organizer of both classes).


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