Share your favorite country by decorating a table for World Communion Sunday!

A big thank you to Colleen Shannon for organizing the beautiful table centerpieces for World Communion Sunday. It's important to honor and recognize the diverse countries we celebrate alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Please contact her ASAP if you can create a centerpiece!

Help us decorate the tables for lunch following worship on World Communion Sunday, October 6. Adopt a table to decorate with items from your heritage or travels. You can either bring the items to the church office by Friday, October 4 for us to arrange or do it yourself on Sunday morning.

Respond by email to Colleen Shannon at with your name and country of choice!


"Bottling Peace" was a great success! Thanks to all who participated and volunteered


Yum! Check out Honey & Rooibus Balsamic Vinegar Reduction or Seaweed Salt Blend at the Mission Market