Success with One Great Hour of Sharing Campaign! Thank you!

Colleen Shannon, Kelly Norrell, and Sherri Allison

We received this kind note from the PC(USA) office on the success of the One Great Hour of Sharing campaign. Thank you for your generosity, First Pres!

Dear Rev. Curtis, Rev. Loftis, and the faithful saints of Knoxville First Presbyterian Church,

I wanted to reach out and thank you for your ongoing support of Presbyterian mission, in particular your recent gift of $5,978.99 to One Great Hour of Sharing – your largest OGHS gift on record since 2013! – as well as your gift of $650 to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. One Great Hour of Sharing is the largest way that Presbyterians come together to support our neighbors in need, providing safety, sustenance, and hope. Your gifts are going to make a BIG difference. Thank you!

Below are several recent stories that show the impact your gifts are making:

Thank you again for being a supporter of Presbyterian mission.

With gratitude,

Lauren Rogers


Featuring Libba Wall


Summer Mission Project