Taking Action on Gun Violence and Issues Facing our City: Support Justice Knox

Many thanks to all who came out to the Justice Knox rally on Monday night at First Presbyterian. We had a full house with over 300 attending.

It was an inspiring evening with good reports from LaKenya Middlebrook, Knoxville’s Community Safety Director, on our ongoing work together to reduce gun violence and from Adam Wilburn, teacher from Vine Middle Magnet School, about the success of restorative practices at Vine. Our Justice Knox leaders heading up this year’s Nehemiah Action campaigns also did a great job helping us understand where they are in their work and what we can expect at the Nehemiah Action Assembly. Both the opening and the closing of the meeting were very moving and succeeded in rallying us on toward action, and it was exciting to have two new congregations join! We are meeting with Mayor Kincannon this Thursday to share our Action plans.

Tuesday, April 25, from 7-8:30pm, we'll hold our annual Nehemiah Action Assembly, a public assembly to present concrete proposals for change to public officials. This year we'll address issues of public transportation and homelessness and we will get reports related to ongoing work on gun violence and education in the Knoxville community.

Download the flyer for Nehemiah Action Assembly in the link below, and get in touch with Meredith Loftis at meredith@fpcknox.org or Jamie Keith at kjkjz@comcast.net to learn more about Justice Knox.


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Baker / Taker Ministry Needs Volunteers!