Update on Gideon Amankwah

On February 20th, Gideon Amankwah will be deployed aboard the USS Truman, a United States Navy aircraft carrier. His mission will take him away from home for several months, with an anticipated return in August.

Gideon’s wife, Brooke, and their young son, Zeke, will remain in Newport News, VA, where they are currently stationed with him. As they adjust to this season of separation, they will travel back and forth to Tennessee to spend time with family and friends.

As Gideon leaves for his deployment, we ask for prayers for his safety and strength in his service. Please also pray for Brooke and Zeke, that they will feel peace, support, and comfort.


Join us for the "Better Together" Black History Celebration at Fourth Presbyterian next Sunday at 3pm!


Update on Youth Events in February