We look forward to celebrating our Seniors! Graduation Info is needed by April 22nd.

Graduation season is upon us, and we are excited to celebrate the achievements of our seniors in the congregation. Parents of seniors graduating from high school, college or graduate school are kindly reminded to submit graduation announcements to the church office by April 22nd. 

Please include a headshot, details of the school and degree graduating from, as well as future plans (next school, job, where they will be moving, etc). Please send a high resolution photo that we can crop.Your participation will help us recognize and honor the hard work and dedication of our graduating seniors.

Please send all information to Laura Harmon at laura@fpcknox.org by April 22.Thank you for celebrating this special milestone of our students' lives with our church family!


Third Grade Carnival at Dogwood Elementary School Needs Volunteers on May 10th


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