Presbyterian Women Missions
Presbyterian Women Missions
The Presbyterian Women are active in the life of the church by providing mission services both within the congregation and in the community.
Social Service Projects
Place a rose in the sanctuary on the Sunday following the birth of a baby within the congregation and present a prayer book to the parents during Session meeting prior to the baptism
Coordinate breakfast for youth on Youth Sunday
Coordinate the Christmas Party for Jesus’ Friends Class
Work with UKirk at UT, Knoxville
Work with Parents Day Out
Congolese Family support
Special Offerings
Thank Offering (November): This November offering was begun by Elizabeth Clokey of Springfield, Ohio in 1888 as a way of recognizing God’s gifts to us and continues to be an important part of Presbyterian Women’s giving. Over the years the PW Thank Offering has made possible hundreds of projects, addressing issues such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, elder care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns. At least 40 percent of this offering supports health ministries throughout the world. The remaining 60 percent funds new creative ideas for mission.Of particular interest to women at First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, are these grants: the New Opportunity School for Women at Maryville College, the Department of Community Development of the Presbyterian Community of Congo (CPC), and the Well Project for the IMCK’s PAX Polyclinic in Kananga, DR Congo.
Birthday Offering (May): The birthday of Presbyterian Women has been celebrated since 1922, and each May the occasion is an exciting one. The challenge began with Hallie Paxton Winsborough’s request for “one penny for each year of your life.” The offerings have enabled a long succession of new and often innovative mission projects to be accomplished both overseas and in the United States.
Least Coin (April): In the Circle of Prayer and the Fellowship of the Least Coin, Christian women of nearly seventy countries share on an equal basis in an act of prayer for each other and the peoples of the world. Each month we set aside the least coin of our country as a visible sign of this covenant fellowship. The money is turned in each year at the Annual Gathering of the Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of East Tennessee.
Service to Community
Sunset Gap Our service projects include a clothes closet which provides clothing for Morgan-Scott Project and Sunset Gap Community Center – both in upper East Tennessee, and Mission Haven in Atlanta which provides clothes for our missionaries who are home on furlough. Other benevolences include the Newton Child Development Center in Chattanooga, Columbia Friendship Circle, Volunteer Ministry Center, Fish Pantry-FPC, Serenity Ministries, and Family Promise.
For questions about Presbyterian Women, please contact church@fpcknox.org or call the church office at (865) 546-2531.