Presbyterian Women News & Events
Presbyterian Women News & Events
Fellowship is a key part of Presbyterian Women, as women become the hands and feet of Christ in the world and grow in caring community with one another. PW activities include prayer and Bible study, celebrations, and work for justice and peace. Events take place within our own congregation and at presbytery, synod and churchwide levels.
Presbyterian Women Events in a year:
Church Women United meets at First Presbyterian in January, enjoying coffee and brunch, a speaker and music together. The event gathers and unites women from churches across the city.
Spring Gathering in April - A Presbytery-wide event when PW elects officers, grants a scholarship to a seminary student from our presbytery, collects offerings, and support a mission project.
PW Members at Montreat in Fall 2021
Annual Spring Dinner in May - At this joyous event, PW bestows two Lifetime Member Awards. Each awardee will receive a pin and certificate, and their families are invited to attend. There is also a ceremony honoring members who passed away in the year.
Open House Coffee Fellowship in a member's home in August. Circle members bring treats to share and make plans for the year.
Gifts of Women Service in August, when Presbyterian Women lead both worship services and PW leaders for the year are installed.
First Presbyterian Church PW Fall Retreat in Montreat, NC. In September. Women spend a weekend together at Montreat, NC, listen to a speaker, enjoy meals, fellowship, and the outdoors together.
The Fall Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of East Tennessee in October It alternates between the Knoxville and Chattanooga areas. Participants hear a speaker, have fellowship and lunch, bring items to support a mission.
The bi-annual PW Pettway Lecture Series brings in some of the finest minds in Christian theology to speak at our church.
For questions about Presbyterian Women, please contact church@fpcknox.org or call the church office at (865) 546-2531.