Sign up for the Congregational Retreat at Montreat by March 26th!
Join us for the Congregational Retreat on April 28th - 30th!
We are so excited about the Congregational Retreat at Montreat this year! Get more info below and be sure to fill out your form and pay your deposit soon to hold your spot!
The Congregational Retreat will be at Montreat in North Carolina on April 28-30th. The theme will be “Continuing our Story: Preparing for God’s Future" and the speaker will be Julianne Elaine Clayton. You can learn more about her here.
The retreat begins Friday evening with informal fellowship, Saturday morning programming, free afternoon to rest and explore, Saturday evening meal and fellowship fun with a Sunday morning church service.
We will be staying in the Glenrock Inn and the Winnsborough Inn. There will be separate programming for children and youth but will follow the same theme. Nursery care will also be provided.
Cost of Retreat
To calculate cost - please add room fees, conference fees and meal fees for a total. You can pay online here (be sure to select the congregational retreat option) or by check..
Calculating Cost:
The price per room is $120 (If a group / family has more than three people, multiple rooms will be needed)
Conference fee is $35 per adult and $25 per child
Meals will be breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. The cost will be $45 per adult and $25 per child.
There is a $500 cap on cost per family. (No family will pay more than $500)
There is a Saturday Day Option without a room - Includes Conference fee and Saturday Meals - $80 per adult and $50 per child.
A $50 deposit is required to hold your spot (pay online here or by check), and deadline for full payment is April 15th. The deadline to sign up for the retreat is March 26th.
To hold your spot, please fill out the form below and drop in offering plate or bring to the church office or email to Emily Smith at memilysmith@gmail.com. There will be some forms printed out in the Narthex of the Sanctuary. Thank you!
Women at Montreat in 2022