Worship Opportunities for Children
We teach children about Worship and help them engage in our Sunday services as early as possible!
Nursery: The nursery is staffed by many wonderful childcare workers as well as many church members who volunteer several times a quarter. This area is available for the convenience and comfort of all children, parents, and church attendees for children ages 3 years and younger during both Worship services.
Special Time with the Children: This is a special time during the 11am Worship Service set aside for all children, and young at heart. The children are invited to come sit at the front while a special message related to worship is given directly to them. This is normally lead by Alex McGavic, Children’s Ministry Coordinator, but may be led by the Pastors or other church members.
Children’s Church: During the 11am Worship Service, all children ages 4 years through 1st grade are invited to go downstairs with several adults/teachers and on most Sundays, Alex McGavic, to have their own worship, learning time, fellowship, and other activities geared towards this age.
Carrying the Communion Elements: On Communion Sundays, several members of the oldest Children’s Sunday School class carry the Communion Elements into Worship.