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"Learning the Language of the Church" Fall Worshipful Wednesday Starts: August 16th - September 27th!

Did you know that you're a theologian? You are! whether you think you are or not.

As Confessional Christians, stating what we believe in the midst of a changing world is both crucial and part of our rich heritage. I wonder, though, if you feel like all the "ologies" and Greek words in the disciple of theology feels like, well, Greek? Theology is meant to give words to our beliefs and doctrine but they can feel unapproachable and like the jargon of stuffy academics. But it is through this language of the church that we can better articulate what we believe (as individuals and as a community) in ways that provide solid ground in an ever-changing world.

This fall, Dr. Andy Morgan will be teaching a seven-part class called "Learning the Language of the Church: An Introduction to Theology Through The Book of Confessions" in which we will explore some of the basic tenets of theology (including God's sovereignty, sin, the role of the church, salvation, etc.) by exploring the depth and breadth of the confessional heritage of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This class will help demystify the practice of theology, equipping learners with the resources and confidence to live as practical theologians, capable of articulating their beliefs in clear and robust language.

This class will:

  • Introduce learners to the historical context of three confessions from The Book of Confessions.

  • Explore 6 key tenets of theology in clear terms.

  • Offer space to ask questions and inquire in the safety of a loving community.

  • Help learners better articulate their faith and live into their role as practical theologians.

Rev. Dr. Andy P. Morgan

Director of Family Faith Formation

First Presbyterian Church, Knoxville

Join us at 5:30 pm for dinner, 6:30 pm for the Class. This class starts on August 16th and will meet in the James Park room. There will be a Zoom option to join us online. Email Andy Morgan at for questions.

August 16

New Worshipful Wednesday Track on Prayer and a Deeper Relationship with God - Order your book today from Mary Wilson!

August 19

United Knoxville Inasmuch Day is August 19th